Dad Up a Tree (Abi Foq al Shagara) 1969


One of the biggest hits in Egyptian film history. Racy and romantic, the film epitomizes the social and generational conflicts around sexuality at the time. The film also contains some of Egyptian cinema's most famous musical numbers...and a record number of on-screen kisses. It’s about a college student at home on vacation who embarks on an affair with a dancer and spirals downward into a world of alcohol, gambling, and deception. Starring the hugely popular Abdulhaleem Hafez. Decades later, in 2011, Hafez’s patriotic songs were the most frequent songs sung by the crowds during the Arab Spring revolution. One of the revolutionaries said that although Hafez had died 35 years previously, “his songs will surely continue to inspire his fellow Egyptians for many generations to come.”

This is Abed Bibi’s favorite poster in the collection. “It reminds me of the first love Arabic story I watched when I was very young,” he says.

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